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  1. Cheryl Brannon
    June 6, 2024 @ 6:04 pm

    Well done!!! Yes let’s enjoy our own backyard! My family and I have made many a visit to our community park! Back in the planning stages my daughter Britni and I attended the meetings to voice our thoughts and ideas about what should be included in the expansion. We were advocating a dog park, since at the time my daughter lived right downtown and had two furry companions that she walked everywhere but alas, no place for them to romp and play! We were thrilled that it came to fruition even though she doesn’t live in town anymore! We are blessed to be in this community!

    Our “backyard” consists of our you pick blueberry farm, which you know well! And I am glad you visit it! With opening day around the corner we are busy getting ready to make new friends too!


    • Joy Walker
      June 6, 2024 @ 9:55 pm

      How cool that you had a say in the planning of our park, Cheryl! I rarely see dogs at our dog park, but I do love that we have one. And yes, I will be coming to your backyard soon. Can’t be here in Calhoun and not come pick your blueberries! Sweet Velo Blue, here I come!


  2. Mary Findlay
    June 6, 2024 @ 9:18 pm

    What a wonderful story. I always loved walking around my neighborhood. Plus I loved my own backyard with all my flowers ,and my veggie garden just waiting for the picking to can my tomatoes and jalapenos to make my Salsa and can peaches and pears I do miss those days, only thing Joy I had so much, I’d ship to our girls and still had so much Darrell would hand out to our friend at his job and I made sure all my neighbors got their fair share all I would ask that they return my jars for next years pickings it could get very pricy . I’d tell them no jars nothing for you my friend for next year, boy they made sure I’d get them back lol Joy I really do enjoy reading your blogs when I get my moments my Dear friend. Hope your traveling and enjoying yourself !!!!!!

    Your friend Mia


    • Joy Walker
      June 6, 2024 @ 9:57 pm

      Thanks for sharing, Mia! Making salsa is time consuming! I hope your friends and family appreciated the love that went into every jar. Bet you miss having your garden.


  3. Anita L Heggison
    June 6, 2024 @ 9:47 pm

    Great blog as usual! Sounds as though you will have lots to keep you busy over the coming months!


    • Joy Walker
      June 6, 2024 @ 9:59 pm

      Thanks, Cuz! Did Tom read it? Yes, like I needed something else to keep me busy! Ha!


  4. Anita L Heggison
    June 6, 2024 @ 9:49 pm

    Great blog as usual! Sounds as though you have lots to keep you busy over the coming months!


  5. Zuzana Tinkova
    June 9, 2024 @ 12:01 pm

    When we see the place that we call “home” getting better it brings joy to the heart.


    • Joy Walker
      June 9, 2024 @ 10:04 pm

      Well said, my friend. Well said!


  6. sherry warren
    June 22, 2024 @ 10:07 am

    With so much technology available today, we all need to take a break and get outdoors more! Breathe the fresh air, and release some of your anxiety. Also, a great place to pray and be closer to our magnificent creator, God. Thank you, Joy, for reminding us to get out more!


    • Joy Walker
      June 23, 2024 @ 12:55 am

      Love being outside and I love that you do too. Even reading in my own backyard is better than sitting inside. Thanks for sharing, Sherry.


  7. Sheryl
    July 1, 2024 @ 9:50 pm

    The Gordon County pickleball group (which normally plays weekdays at Sonoraville) was excited to hear about the outdoor courts going in and kept us updated on the progress. It’s good to see the project close to being finished. If you want to play with some fun people, check out the group — they play regularly Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at the rec center.


    • Joy Walker
      July 2, 2024 @ 11:26 pm

      Thanks for the info.! My feet and knees won’t allow me to play much, so I won’t be joining any group like that, but it makes my heart sing to know there are that many people out there playing.


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