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  1. Sophia Smith
    May 23, 2024 @ 5:31 pm

    Such a beautiful written story. The way you go in detail to describe things made be feel you were talking about my old school Red Bud. Here in this part of Ga we are family. Some of my very best memories come from that family. You haven’t told me about your Salvation but I’ll be aware and listen. Prayer is the forefront of our lives. Even though it is a personal thing. But don’t you fill alive now? All this energy and love? to be in the hands of our great creator and knowing he will never forsake you but love you forever is a special gift one can’t get over. Has it really been that many years ? You’re one of the most inspiring women I have had the privilege of being the friend and neighbor of. You try to put positive in front of all. If one speaks negative, you just walk away. You always surprise me in the things you do. So keep writing cause I’m having fun in Finding Joy! Love this!!


  2. Amy Pritts
    May 23, 2024 @ 7:46 pm

    Just Wow!
    I truly feel the love that you have for Adairsville. You were blessed to have so many wonderful people in your life!


    • Joy Walker
      May 23, 2024 @ 8:44 pm

      Thanks, Amy. Yes. I am truly blessed. Adairsville is full of great people.


  3. Vickie McEntire
    May 23, 2024 @ 8:14 pm

    What a beautiful time for you! Your writing makes it easy to imagine that I am standing right there with you enjoying the moments, too. Have you set a date/time/place for the book launch? Your friend, Vickie


    • Joy Walker
      May 23, 2024 @ 8:48 pm

      Thanks, Vickie. That means a lot to me.
      Not yet, but hopefully somewhere in Calhoun AND Adairsville. I’m open to venue ideas.


  4. Debbie
    May 24, 2024 @ 1:04 am

    Joy, now you know how I feel when I get together with that little 6 year old I met so many years ago when I came home with your sister and became an adopted part of the Walker family–always a joy to see you and so proud of who you’ve grown to be and your accomplishments!
    Love you,
    Debbie Joy
    (we even share a name.)


    • Joy Walker
      May 24, 2024 @ 12:28 pm

      Wow, Debbie! That’s crazy to think that we’ve known each other since I was six. Thanks for the support and your vote of confidence.


  5. mike miller
    May 24, 2024 @ 9:57 pm

    Joy, we are happy for you in your finding fulfillment in your teaching history and influencing and shaping lives. It is so satisfying to know that our lives can make a difference and as the Bible says “their works do follow them”. May God continue to work in and through you to be a blessing. We have been impressed by your writing and by your joy of life. Thanks for the email
    Mike and Jan


    • Joy Walker
      May 25, 2024 @ 3:56 pm

      Thanks for your kind words, Mike and Jan. The two of you have certainly added JOY to my life. I’m thankful for our friendship.


  6. Landon Swanson
    May 29, 2024 @ 8:48 pm

    Joy, no no that doesn’t sound right to me. Dr. Walker, (yes much better). I hate it I missed you at the Graduation, I would have loved seeing you!! I don’t know if you remember me or not. I had you for PE during my elementary years. I am the oldest of 3 boys (Cooper and Eli Swanson being my younger brothers). Cooper (my middle brother) was graduating that night. I’ve been told by my mom that he (for whatever reason) referred to you as Dr. Seuss while in Kindergarten. Lol
    While I was reading this I was flooded with memories of elementary school. You truly have a gift with words. I felt like I was standing right beside you as I read this!! I’d love to know when your book is published! I bet it will be a wonderful read!
    I hope you are doing well!
    Best wishes on your future journeys. I look forward to reading the stories!


    • Joy Walker
      May 29, 2024 @ 11:56 pm

      Oh, Landon! Of course I remember you! I remember all the Swanson boys. I hate that I missed you guys. There were so many people, we needed a receiving line. Thanks for reading my story and thanks for the complement. Now that you have signed up for my emails, you will be among the first to hear when my book is out. I’m hoping it will be in print in the next 6-12 months. Thanks for your support. I’d love to hear what you are up to now. Email me when you have time. I didn’t remember Cooper calling me Dr. Seuss, but I do know Dr. Walker confused children. Lots of them called me Miss Dr. Walker or Mrs. Dr. Walker–I never understood that one either, but I thought it was cute. Best wishes. Hope to keep in touch.


  7. sherry warren
    June 22, 2024 @ 10:25 am

    I totally feel the same way about Adairsville! Thirty-three years ago, I interviewed for a job at Adairsville Elementary, where I met you as a PE teacher. It was a joy to stay there my entire career in teaching, where teachers became my family. But like you, I later discovered what a blessing it was to be in this community, where they will pray with you, and we got to teach children of former students. I believe Adairsville is Bartow County’s best kept secret, and yes, “once a tiger, always a tiger”.


    • Joy Walker
      June 23, 2024 @ 1:05 am

      There’s just something special about our Adairsville family, huh? Never thought about it before, but it’s kind of a half way point between Jacksonville where you grew up and Fort Wayne where I grew up. If not for Adairsville, we may have never met.
      Thanks for commenting. Go Tigers!


  8. Angie Pinkard
    July 2, 2024 @ 7:23 pm

    Seeing you at AES Field Day and hearing of your continued bike travels and your blog and upcoming book made my day. And then when you shared of your surrendering your life completely and being baptized in Florida, it sparked much JOY! You know I could never resist getting you all the JOY merch from myself and my children who you taught! But you truly do emanate joy so you’re well-named. I only regret we didn’t get a picture together. Maybe next time…
    Thanks for being such an inspiration and for your friendship over the years. To Him be the Glory in your journey of finding Joy!


    • Joy Walker
      July 2, 2024 @ 11:33 pm

      Thanks, Angie. I so enjoyed talking with you at Field Day. And I too regret not getting pictures of us together. I was hit or miss that day, and seemed to miss getting pictures of lots of people, but I sure did enjoy the day. Thanks for your support. Hope we can keep in touch, especially as you near retirement.


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