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  1. Mary Anne Gibson
    February 22, 2024 @ 11:26 am

    Loved what you had to say about competitive sports. I sure wish you had been my gym teacher, I always felt like a failure because I couldn’t be as good as the other kids. I love to play outside and I love to try different things but I was not as good as a lot of the other kids. I became a pretty good swimmer and a decent tennis player. I would never have classified myself as a great athlete but I loved sports and activities. I loved your approach, no wonder I like you!!
    So glad you are enjoying your second career, a writer! Keep up your wonderful attitude and work ethic’s.


    • Joy Walker
      February 22, 2024 @ 8:09 pm

      That always makes me sad when I hear stories of teachers who didn’t encourage their students in whatever the subject. I have a family member who had the same type of experience with an elementary gym teacher. It breaks my heart, but her experience coupled with mine made me sensitive to children who may not be so athletically inclined. Thanks for sharing your story. Isn’t it sad that something that a negative experience that happened so long ago is still so vivid in our memories? The opposite happens too. I am writing today because some of my teachers encouraged me to write in my younger days.


  2. Cheryl Brannon
    February 22, 2024 @ 1:44 pm

    So happy you had a wonderful time at your writers conference, even if they had no after hours sessions

    The Bible talks about how each member of the church body has its place, non too small, all working together as do different parts of a physical body. What good are your hands if your arms refuse to cooperate with them. And your feet if your legs go on strike!

    I believe a cooperative spirit is part of the Godhead’s nature: it’s who they are! Each serving the other to accomplish the same purposes, goals and ultimate end product—Revealing their love in action between themselves and between us and them. Creating their beautiful and harmonious image back into fallen mankind! When we cooperate with them we become changed and in turn reach out to others to join in. A win-win! No one is a loser!

    I’m thankful that writers practice this corporate spirit. They have something extra going for them regardless of how many books someone personally turns out! Yay for you and your team!

    Ps…the boys in the boat is a fabulous read!


    • Joy Walker
      February 22, 2024 @ 8:01 pm

      Thanks, Cheryl. Agreed. The cooperative approach is definitely a win-win! You wrote: “I’m thankful that writers practice this corporate spirit. They have something extra going for them regardless of how many books someone personally turns out! Yay for you and your team!” They are a special group for sure.
      And yes, I loved THE BOYS IN THE BOAT. A friend recommended it a few years back, but I didn’t have my own copy. Now I have a large edition from a new friend.
      As always, thanks for commenting. You always have something insightful to say.


  3. Kristine Anderson
    March 5, 2024 @ 7:46 am

    I appreciated your comment about The Boys in the Boat. Writers are all in the same boat, but we hold one another up as we sail along in smooth and rough waters… Thanks for blogging. So glad you could come to the retreat.


    • Joy Walker
      March 7, 2024 @ 9:11 pm

      Thanks, Kristine. I love being in the boat with you and all the other writers I have met. It’s a nice little sail boat.


      • Julia Danforth
        March 11, 2024 @ 11:06 pm

        I don’t remember so much the competitive nature being emphasized in high school PE, just that it was the only class I couldn’t manage to get an A in. The bright side of blowing out my ACL my freshman year was that it exempted me from the remainder of the 3 years of required PE! I did rehab my knee by myself (with God’s healing hand!) to enable me to be able to hike and do yard work and enjoy brisk walking and most of what I need to do so long as I don’t try to play sports requiring sudden starting and stopping and pivoting. (So most team sports! Ha!) I would’ve loved to have you as my PE teacher!!


  4. Mark Ramirez
    March 16, 2024 @ 12:51 pm

    I enjoy reading your posts and I also still use the gloves and wool hat you so kindly gave me when I was freezing in the rainy day on my bicycle. Mark Anthony


    • Joy Walker
      March 16, 2024 @ 8:03 pm

      Thank you, Mark. I was just thinking about you yesterday. Hope all is going well with you.


  5. sherry warren
    April 9, 2024 @ 9:32 am

    In my experience as a teacher, I found only cooperation, as I worked with grade level teachers who only wanted success for their students. The same was experienced as I moved to an art teacher. My special areas team cooperated even more as we all worked together to make our classes fun, creative, and a means of exploring our students talents. We also hoped to show them we all are different with different talents.

    I’m so glad you too see their are many authors with different styles of writing. In getting my own children to become interested in reading, it was important that they explore different authors to find what interests them. Not everyone is interested in Nora Roberts or Stephen King, and we all just have to take the time to explore and share with others the authors we find interesting and why. Also, at different times in our lives, we find different books more relevant. As a child, it was Dick and Jane. As a teenager, I like scary books, As an adult, scripture and faith based books are valuable.

    Keep writing what God puts on your heart!


    • Joy Walker
      April 9, 2024 @ 1:58 pm

      Some valuable points, Sherry. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the encouragement. I will do just that.


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