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  1. Kathy Minnich
    October 20, 2023 @ 1:34 am

    What a great story Joy. This also reminds me to keep those reunion connections going. What are you doing next week? Heehee!!


    • Joy Walker
      November 24, 2023 @ 6:39 am

      Somehow I missed commenting on this one, Kathy. You are so funny. Sure wish I didn’t live so far away, but it’s great to know I’m only a phone call or text away from you and all our classmates.


  2. sherry warren
    March 24, 2024 @ 11:08 pm

    I have not been to a class reunion since my 10th reunion. I graduated Westover High School in Albany, Ga. I stayed in touch with my 2 closest friends, but over time, have not been as interested in keeping up with them. I’m not judging them, but their lifestyle has become sad and doesn’t include God.
    Recently, our 45th reunion has been advertised on Facebook. I’ve gotten out of the loop, so probably won’t go. There’s too much reviewing names and faces that needs to be done!
    Glad you went to your reunion. Sounds like you had fun!


    • Joy Walker
      March 28, 2024 @ 3:55 pm

      I only kept up with one friend from high school and she’s been my friend since Kindergarten. Didn’t do any reviewing names and faces and wasn’t on Facebook until just before the reunion, but so glad I went. I remembered more than I thought I would and hope to keep up with them now. My class is full of wonderful people I’m honored to call my classmates, my friends.


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