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  1. Janice Burrell
    September 22, 2023 @ 4:57 am

    True words of encouragement, Joy.


  2. Cheryl Brannon
    September 22, 2023 @ 5:32 pm

    Don’t we all need to be encouraged in many areas of our lives! It’s nice when it’s by a close friend or family member because you know how much they care. It’s even better when we take to heart the best encouragement of all: from our Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. There’s plenty of it in the Word so I’m going to try to be more consistent and intentional to focus on those encouraging promises from God and then share them with others along the way! Thank you Joy for your words of encouragement which I believe you live out consistently in your interactions with others!


  3. Joy Walker
    September 25, 2023 @ 1:33 am

    So true, Cheryl. Sharing encouraging promises from God with others is a great plan.
    Thanks for your support and the encouragement you have given me and so many others.
    I am truly blessed to have you as a friend.


  4. Tonya Hadley
    September 26, 2023 @ 3:43 am

    Hello Joy,
    I really enjoyed reading your goals. You have inspired me. I quit drinking milk and eating ice cream. Still eat cheese though. Lol. I also take D3. I’m learning to cook healthier food for my teenager. Also going to the gym with her. I’m trying to lead by example.
    I also have financial goals. You and I think a lot alike. I saved my money to open a business years ago. Then I opened a second business and a third. Bought my own home. Bought my first RV in 1997. My second one in December 24th 2019. That’s around the time I met you. My newest goal is to get my 15 yr daughter to brush, floss, and mouthwash, lol. Another goal is to help her ace math and get her drivers license.
    Then, I want to go back to college and take a few creative writing classes and write a book or two about raising a child and going back to college after 40 and navigating the challenges of living on campus. I want to learn more Spanish because I can’t find anybody to speak Italian with me. Nobody at Olive Garden speaks Italian. Lol. I think it’s classy to be able to speak two languages and financially advantageous. I’m also a cosmetology instructor. May do some part time work after my girl gets a car and a job.
    And my next RV will be a small one that I can take anywhere.


    • Joy Walker
      September 26, 2023 @ 4:18 am

      Thanks for sharing so many goals, Tonya. Leading by example is the best, especially with children. Keep me posted on your achievements. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, but you can do it one day at a time. Learning Spanish will definitely have benefits. You have a positive outlook on life. I remember you handling all of the problems with your brand new trailer with such grace and patience.


  5. sherry warren
    March 24, 2024 @ 10:50 pm

    Joy, I remember the summer you rode from San Francisco to Portsmouth. That was quite a challenge, and I know you had to build up endurance and courage to do it. I have begun a challenge this year to get 10,000 steps in a day, as my endocrinologist challenged me last year. My daily average has grown to more than 10,000, and it has become the norm. Christian and Melissa gave me a watch for Christmas that would keep a daily total, and that has been a game changer. Some days I don’t quite make the 10,000 steps, but I make up for it with my weekly average.
    I have a couple of neighbors that walk with me 5 days a week, and I don’t believe I would be so successful without them. My goal is to keep it up, and see how it changes my overall fitness this year. I can’t run long distance like I used to, but I can surely walk!

    You are inspiring with you personal goals, and I see why it is so important. 🙂


    • Joy Walker
      March 28, 2024 @ 4:20 pm

      Wow! Talk about inspiring! 70,000 steps a week is an admirable goal. You are smart to hang on to your neighbors. We can’t do anything alone.
      Thanks for your continued encouragement and for being an inspiration to many.


  6. Mary Anne Gibson
    July 4, 2024 @ 12:07 pm

    I love the story of the rocks in the jar then the pebbles and then the sand. Heard it from different speakers for different reasons but I always think of the man who said make the main things that main things in your life. Then fill in with the rest. Such a good reminder, because as I get older it is easy to focus on trivial things instead of what’s really important. Thank you Joy for all the wonderful blogs you put out. I’ve read some of them many times as they’re just good common sense that directs me in the right way. I’m still thankful for your mom and dad or I would’ve never met you!


    • Joy Walker
      July 4, 2024 @ 5:11 pm

      Thanks Mary Anne! That story about the big rocks resonates with many. I too have heard it told a few times through the years and I use the term “Big Rocks” a lot myself. Ha! Guess that’s why it became part of this blog. I’m so grateful to you for your friendship first to my parents and now to me. Have a Happy Birthday! And thanks again for your support.


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