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  1. Mark Broe
    September 7, 2023 @ 11:06 pm

    What a great story. I enjoyed it, Joy. You write beautifully.
    “It’s always small talk now, but it’s good.”
    “As she waves her hand over the expanse to her right…”
    These sentences are so good!

    All the best. Keep writing!


    • Joy Walker
      September 8, 2023 @ 1:29 am

      Thanks, Mark. That means a lot coming from a great writer. You are an inspiration.


  2. Jeanette Walker
    September 7, 2023 @ 11:29 pm

    Everyone needs a Joan in their life.


  3. Carol Cone
    September 8, 2023 @ 1:17 am

    I definitely have the same Joan you do. She is like a mother to me.


    • Joy Walker
      September 8, 2023 @ 1:26 am

      Yes. She’s one special woman. I think of her and her sisters as my aunts. I’m sure you could tell some great stories, Carol.


  4. Mattie Langley
    September 8, 2023 @ 1:22 am

    Joy, I sure enjoy following your Blog. When I heard that you had retired I was thinking I would never hear from you again.


    • Joy Walker
      September 8, 2023 @ 1:24 am

      Thanks, Mattie. Crazy how God reconnects us sometimes, isn’t it? I hope you are well.


  5. Kathy Minnich
    September 12, 2023 @ 12:50 pm

    Joan sure is lucky to have you as a friend.


    • Joy Walker
      September 12, 2023 @ 7:05 pm

      Thanks, Kathy. I am fortunate to have Joan as a friend too. She is one special woman.


  6. sherry warren
    February 28, 2024 @ 2:38 pm

    These people like Joan are so special. Their long term memory is enjoyable to listening to, and the time spent with them is valuable to them as well as you. My mom is 85 and the memory can be spotty some days. I never regret spending time with her and listening to her stories. She often texts me saying how much she enjoyed our time together talking and working on a jigsaw puzzles. I hope to pass on similar stories to my children one day, and I hope they will see the value in visiting often.


  7. sherry warren
    February 28, 2024 @ 2:43 pm

    Joan sounds like a special person to visit who thoroughly enjoys your visits and stories. My mom is 85 and in assisted living, and sometimes the memory is a bit spotty. I don’t correct or ask too many questions, but I make mental notes as I enjoy hearing stories I may not have heard about our family. This time with our elders is so important as they age, and i hope my children and grandchildren will spend the same kind of time with me as I get older. Joan is blessed to call you friend!


    • Joy Walker
      March 2, 2024 @ 8:14 pm

      Keep visiting your mom. It’s a good thing for both of you. And I’m blessed to have Joan as my friend.


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