Join the Movement

This past weekend I had a party to celebrate the near completion of my book Finding Joy. I’ve been working on the book since January 2022 and it’s now in the hands of my editor. Presumably she will send it back all marked up in red. Then, after crying for a day, I will pull my big girl pants up and get to work on her suggestions. I will work for a couple of months cleaning up the manuscript and then focus on the publishing process.

If Finding Joy is in print by the end of the year, I will have accomplished one of my lifelong goals. If not, I will continue to revise and tweak ad nauseam and commit to doing whatever it takes to get Finding Joy in print as soon as possible.

At my party, I laughed and smiled so much my jaw ached. From the time my cakes arrived at 1:15 until I took my last guest home at 10:30, I marveled at the outpouring of love and support from those who took the time to help me celebrate. I also realized I would not have been able to pull off such a party without the help of my friend Janice, who chopped up all the vegetables and kept the serving dishes full.

Though I asked for no gifts, I received so many I couldn’t open them all until my guests had gone. Multiple bouquets of flowers filled my home with the sweet smells of summer. And gifts any writer or traveler would covet covered the table in my living room. To all who came, whether bearing gifts or not, “thank you for your support.”

At the end of the day, I thought about those of you who sent messages of encouragement and congratulations when I announced I had turned my manuscript over to my editor. And those of you who read my blogs support me by reading and sometimes even commenting on my stories. Many of you asked me when I thought my book might be finished and told me you can’t wait to read it. Some of you even asked if I would sign a copy for you. Wow! Even more have mentioned that you plan to come to my book launch or book signings. Others said you wished you lived closer and asked if my book would be available for purchase online. Your support overwhelms me sometimes.

Now as I write this, I want to say a special thank you to those of you who have been with me since I wrote my first blog about meeting Jane Friedman (Meeting A Mentor) on my birthday last year. Today as I turn 60 and post my 32nd blog, I am aware that some of you have read every single one of them. Some of you have even invited others to subscribe to my email list. That is what I call support. And for all of you, I am truly thankful.

To those of you who joined me mid-year or just this week, I appreciate your support as well. My mission is to spread the message that all can find joy if they are looking for it. And my hope is that you will not only find joy but join me in encouraging others to find their joy too. Together, I believe we can make finding joy a movement. Will you join me?