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  1. Amy Pritts
    December 11, 2023 @ 1:04 pm

    What a fantastic story!


  2. Mary Anne Gibson
    December 11, 2023 @ 4:51 pm

    Very thankful your Bison Story has a happy ending!!


    • Joy Walker
      January 17, 2024 @ 12:18 am

      Thank you, Mary Anne. Me too!


  3. Cathy Walker
    December 13, 2023 @ 12:33 am

    Yikes! Joy, my heart was nearly racing picturing the bison and his buddies being that close to you! Too close for comfort, most definitely!!! As I pictured you snapping a photo AND then a video of the bison as he munched the grasss, I wanted to scream, “Joy, get out of there!!! This is not the time for a Kodak moment! He could kill you in an instant!!!” Phew! What a relief you gathered your wits about you and managed to do 180 degree turn and neither he nor his buddies decided to charge you!!! What a huge blessing that you lived to tell about your hair raising story! Well done!


    • Joy Walker
      December 16, 2023 @ 12:55 am

      Thanks, Cathy. Yes, my heart was racing as I wrote the story. Reliving it was almost as scary as the day it happened.


  4. Miranda Watson
    December 15, 2023 @ 7:28 pm

    I had an experience with a bison in an electric fence. It was at a state park in Virginia at the tri-state area of TN,KY.VA. The male bison was guarding 3 female bison. For some reason, he did not like me. He had a negative reaction to my presence. Enough so that I walked away. I’ve never had anything like that happen in any other animal related experiences before.


    • Joy Walker
      December 20, 2023 @ 1:56 am

      Wow! They certainly are protective of their women and babies.


  5. Zuzana Tinkova
    December 17, 2023 @ 11:44 am

    Oh Joy! That’s scary and funny at the same time. Glad you ok. No I didn’t have encounter with bison but here in FL I had couple close calls with shark, snap turtle, snakes. Our 10 ft gator was captured recently so hopefully I m safe for a while I guess.
    Love and Blessings



    • Joy Walker
      December 20, 2023 @ 1:53 am

      Yikes! Sharks, snapping turtles, snakes and alligators? And I thought bison were unpredictable! You can’t be too careful.
      Stay safe!


  6. Julia Danforth
    January 16, 2024 @ 12:54 pm

    Love your stories, Joy!! ❤️ So glad you got away safely!! Sounds like your angels were busy!! I’m wondering what the other travelers thought?? You must’ve given them racing hearts too! Would you have even noticed if someone had offered you shelter??


    • Joy Walker
      January 16, 2024 @ 4:46 pm

      Thank you, Julia. You know, I never even looked at the cars as I passed them. I was so focused on keeping my pedals turning. They would have had to yell and wave to get me to pull over. I’m sure they were watching and I hope cheering for me. Thanks for making me think about that. How often do we have cheerleaders rooting for us, praying for us, thinking about us, yet we don’t even notice them.


  7. Hubie Iseneker
    January 18, 2024 @ 10:24 pm

    Very cool story Joy, you live an exciting life! As the old saying goes “ Never trust a wild animal”! I’ve been reading your blogs, nice to have a fun bucket list! God surely created a magnificent world to explore! Great to have you as a neighbor! I’m sure everyone will find some joy in these readings!


    • Joy Walker
      January 19, 2024 @ 1:35 pm

      Thanks, Hubie. You are right about God creating a magnificent world to explore. Since he went to all the trouble, I believe the least I can do is go out there and see it!


  8. sherry warren
    February 27, 2024 @ 12:40 pm

    We used to swim in the canal by my grandmothers property in Ocala, FL. One night, my grandfather shined a flashlight across the top of the water. I saw little yellow glowing eyes, and asked him what it was. He told me it was alligators in the canal. I gasped at the thought of maybe I had been swimming with them! Next day, I was hesitant to swim, but waded in about knee deep, then I was good! I chose to spend more time on a dock, fishing. No more alligators!


    • Joy Walker
      February 27, 2024 @ 9:56 pm

      Yikes, Sherry! Glowing eyes? I bet that was creepy. I walked out onto a peninsula the other day at my friend’s cottage and when I came back he asked me if I saw the alligator. I didn’t even think to look for one. He said he’s been seeing a momma with her babies sunning themselves where I walked. I’ve gotta be more careful down here in Florida now.


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