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  1. sherry warren
    November 23, 2023 @ 8:20 pm

    Joy, I think you have covered all bases for things we are grateful for. As I get older, I look back on the ways God has intervened a planned out the many blessings I have today. My parents, grandparents, cousins, and sisters and brother. All of these have created some wonderful memories and helped shape me as to who I am today. My co-workers at AES, and church family at Adairsville Baptist are like family to me, and have accepted me for who I am. Mostly, I have God to thank for sending His son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins so that I have eternal life with Him.
    I look back on the troubles in my life, from divorced parents, to a college car accident, to relationships that didn’t go as I thought they would. Though our family was broken, my mother, grandparents, etc. loved us and helped us have food on the table, clothes on our back, and a roof over our head. I never realized we were financially poor. My college car accident could have been fatal, but the policeman who found me at 2am, severly bleeding, got me medical attention that saved my life. I knew God must have a plan. Then my relationships with young men, who weren’t interested in church, led to dead ends. When I wasn’t looking, my now husband of 36 years showed up, and I realized this was the one God intended for me. Our move to Adairsville community was not as planned either. I had never even heard of it! But by teaching at AES, going to church at ABC, and being able to serve there, has been the best place on earth I could ever be.
    So, I am grateful for so many things, and it is during this time of year we are reminded of all we are thankful for.


    • Joy Walker
      November 24, 2023 @ 6:30 am

      What a story, Sherry. Yes, we have so much to be grateful for. I’m grateful you found AES and that it was such a good fit for you.
      I’m grateful for your support and I appreciate your comments. Yes, this is a great time to give thanks. I hope all that food got cold while you and your family and friends droned on about what they were thankful for this year.


      • Clyde
        January 15, 2024 @ 4:25 pm

        That explains a lot. You can’t be happy without being thankful. You are a happy person and people are important to you – like when you make sure everybody has a name placard at meetings!


        • Joy Walker
          January 15, 2024 @ 4:41 pm

          You are right, Clyde. Being happy and being thankful go hand in hand. And yes. People ARE important to me.
          Thanks for commenting.


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